Alli and Nick have loved shoes for quite some time. Every time we come home and take off our shoes they immediately want to start playing with them. Now they have decided it is fun to try them on...
We also got this cute picture last week. The twins were having fun in their rocking chair together after church. I LOVE that they are holding
I've been such a blogging slacker the last month. Almost all of my free time (i.e. when the kids are asleep) has been taken up with studying to take the Fundamentals of Engineering exam. Uhhh...boring, plus I'm so dumb! I should have taken it while I was still in school, but I didn't ever think I'd need it as a chemical engineer. Well, unfortunately I do need it and it really sucks trying to remember calculus and physics and other stuff I haven't used in 7+ years!
3 years ago
those are such cute pics.. good luck on the test. I could never do that, but you are really smart and I know you'll remember everything and pull it off..
That is a great picture of them!
Cute Pictures. Good luck on the test, let me know if Ali and Nick need a playdate so you can study.
Hey Katie, I found you! You have such an adorable family. Are your kids twins? I hope everything is going great for you!
I found Courtney on Facebook and she gave me your blog address. Your kids are so cute...twins...I cant even imagine! And to study for that exam...I don't know how you are doing it! Good luck with that! How do yo live living in Thornton? Is it as good as Broomfield? It sure has been a long time and would be fun to see you again. If you are ever in SLC you are welcome to stay!
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