Oct 21, 2008

Playing with Rags

I washed rags yesterday. I pulled them out of the dryer, put them in a basket, and left them on the floor before I folded them. I got distracted for a couple of minutes while I was going through the mail - and guess what happened? Twinado. It didn't help at all that Alli is going through a silly phase where she loves playing peek-a-boo with blankets.


Karin said...

"Twinado" That is a cute term! And I would guess that you have a lot of them in your house!
The twins are getting so big...love all the pictures!

Ashlee said...

that's awesome.. The joy/ and entertainment of kids, gotta love it!

Melanie and Troy said...

How cute...and I can totally hear you saying that story!

Courtney said...

Trouble #1 and trouble #2 always into trouble!! They are so much fun though and well worth all of the messes....