On Tuesday night I started having some light contractions. By the next morning they stopped, but I had a doctor's appointment and found out that I had dilated to 2 cm. The contractions were worse Wednesday night - we actually almost went to the hospital, but the contractions stopped by the morning. By Thursday afternoon the contractions started again. Brian came home from work early and after we finished dinner, we were ready to go to the hospital! My mom came over to watch the kids and we left. As soon as we got to the hospital though, the contractions slowed down again and I thought for sure they would send us home. They checked me and I was at 5 cm, which is amazing considering that my contractions were still at least 10 min apart and not that painful. Within a couple of hours of being at the hospital the doctor broke my water to help things progress. I was at 8 cm within the next hour and then I had an epidural. My contractions all but stopped. We rested for a few hours and nothing changed. The doctor decided to give me a tiny bit of petocin to get things moving again. Within a half an hour I was ready to start pushing and after a half hour of pushing, we had baby Makenna!
We are so excited for her to join our family, but are still adjusting to each other. Overall, she is a great baby! She figured out how to nurse in the delivery room and hasn't missed a meal since. She has been sleeping well at night and only wakes up to eat. She is much more alert and awake than the twins were (so much for the week of sleep we were counting on) and definitely has some fussy moments.
Alli is very interested in her and tries to help out as much as possible. Nick is cute with her and sporadically comes over to take a look, but he still prefers trucks to babies! I wanted to let the twins hold and play with her more, but they had colds when she came home and we found out a few days ago that Alli has infantigo bumps on her face and is contagious. She has been taking antibiotics and should be better soon. I will try to keep the blog updated, but so far life with a new baby has been a little crazy! Luckily Brian has a couple weeks off of work to help with the adjustment.
Waiting in the labor and delivery room.